Transport to Zeehan
Zeehan Public Transport
Once known as the “Silver City”, Zeehan is a historic mining town that lies in a rainforest-draped valley on Tasmania’s west coast. It takes its name from Abel Tasman’s vessel “Zeehaen”, with the region first sighted by the Dutch explorer in 1642. The town was established after silver-lead deposits were discovered in 1882 and boasted more than 20 hotels during its heyday.
To learn more about Zeehan’s fascinating past, pay a visit to the West Coast Heritage Centre and Pioneers Museum, which boasts one of the finest mineral collections in Australia. After browsing the old locomotives, blacksmith’s shop and mining machinery on display, step inside the Gaiety Theatre, a legendary venue that dates from 1898. It’s just one of many charismatic old buildings that line Zeehan’s main street, which will transport you back to the booms and busts of the town’s past.
At the end of the main street is the Spray Tunnel, an abandoned railway tunnel that stretches for 100 metres to what was once the Spray Silver Mine. A highlight of visiting Zeehan is walking through this keyhole-shaped tunnel to explore the remains of the mine’s buildings and boilers. A short drive west will take you to Zeehan’s original port at Trial Harbour while to the north lie the trout-filled waters of Lake Pieman.
Ollie Khedun
West Coast Heritage Centre, incorporates the West Coast Pioneers' Museum. Attractions include photo galleries, locomotives, mining machinery, blacksmith shop, marine display, Masonic Display, crocite cavern, pioneer womens gallery, the historic Gaiety Theatre (Edwardian films playing daily) and a world class mineral collection. The Blacksmith Shop forms part of our Bush Power Heritage display. It contains a fully operational forge which can be seen in action on our open days. Tourism Tasmania & Adrian Cook