Scottsdale to Tulendeena Cycling
Distance: 26 km | Duration: 2 to 4 hours | Start: Scottsdale Rail Station | End: Billycock Hill
Following an abandoned railway line, this 26-kilometre-long cycling trail takes you through spectacular cuttings, dense forests and picturesque farmland in Tasmania’s northeast. It’s officially known as the Dorset North East Rail Trail and was developed by the Scottsdale Rotary Club to showcase the region’s fascinating history and natural beauty.
The trail can be accessed from both ends (as well as several stops in between), although most riders begin in Scottsdale where bikes can be rented from the Scottsdale Art Gallery Cafe. There is a slight gain in altitude riding in the opposite direction, so organising a shuttle for the return journey may be preferable for some riders. Along the way, be sure to read the interpretive signs that line the trail to discover the railway’s storied past.
Top image credit Tourism Tasmania and Heath Holden