Transport to Latrobe
Public Transport to Latrobe
Bus from Latrobe to Devonport
A bus runs hourly to Devonport
Latrobe transfers
Transfers to Latrobe are provided by locally based eGuide to and from Cradle Mountain, Hobart, Launceston and Lake St Clair.
Wild Mersey Mountain Bike Trails. Credit Flow Mountain Bike
The Cherry Shed Tasmania is conveniently situated on the Bass Highway in Latrobe, ten minutes from Devonport on Tasmania's fertile North West Coast. We open all year round with an exciting café menu based on cherries, as well as many other interesting cherry products. Credit Tourism Tasmania and Rob Burnett
The House of Anvers contains a real chocolate taste sensation. It is located at Latrobe, Tasmania, in the property formally known as "Wyndarra Lodge", a stylish Californian bungalow house which was built in 1931. Set in 1.12 hectares of old tree gardens, the property features trees from around the world. When you visit the House of Anvers you can see our qualified confectionery staff tempering, moulding and enrobing fine couverture chocolates, truffles, pralines, fudges and more. Credit Tourism Australia & Graham Freeman
Top image credit Chris Crerar